Friday, April 09, 2010

Oh, what a truth....

Oh, so Sovereign but oh, so Personally Loving is our Savior. Can you begin to comprehend this awesome truth? Oh my, oh my...I can only exclaim and cry out in my words and thoughts as I contemplate how Christ, in all His power, knowledge and infinite love CHOSE to reveal himself not to the people who have gotten it all together - but to the Samaritan woman who draws water from the well and never in her lifetime would expect that encounter to forever change her life and the people around her,  - to the poor woman who gives all of her two mites and never expected anyone to see her offering, much lest the Son of God Himself - to Zaccheus, the man that everyone loves to hate, who gets to have Christ step into His house...

Layers of coldness and matter-of-fact truths about Christ are slowly peeled away [through God's grace] verse by verse as we study through the book of John and the life of Christ in Sunday School, in BSF and in my devotions. The peeling is more difficult than I thought as many biblical truths have fallen on a heart, calloused with the rituals of church and religiosity. But the peeling is liberating! What a freedom we have in Christ! Lord, help me to understand what a new life in Christ is.

Christ seeks our life, our love, our all. Christ seeks you, your life, your love and your all.

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