Friday, August 02, 2013

I am still loving it

I am still loving it - to wake up in the morning and take my morning jogs and have Sarah join me.
I am still loving it - to have my breakfast with my children and asking if they all had a good night’s rest.
I am still loving it - to do our reading and math together.
I am still loving it - to study our human body and pry into the genes in our family tree.
I am still loving it - to have our lunch whilst watching Magic School Bus and Cat in the Hat.
I am still loving it - to head off to a quiet afternoon of books.
I am still loving it - to do our spontaneous cooking sessions. 
I am still loving it - to pop in and out of legoland as we wish.
I am still loving it - to have the kids play along their street with their friends and neighbours.
I am still loving it - to have our dinner and talk about everyone’s day.
I am still loving it - to have our bedtime reading many books and our ESV bible.

I am still loving it and wondering if it would all have to give way to a new chapter....

Thursday, August 01, 2013

God’s Rainbow: A Reminder of His Faithfulness

As we headed for our 3 monthly blood test and check, we were greeted by a full and beautiful rainbow [a full complete semi circle] that left everyone in the car awestruck. My exclamations prompted Sarah to ask: “You never saw this before?” And to that I could only reply, “No”. I have never in my life witness the full glory of a rainbow but now I have, with my beloved family. 

The rainbow is a wonderful reminder of God’s faithfulness and love in my life. 

You would think that by now, I would have gotten used to my 3 monthly checkup. On the contrary, each checkup seems weightier each time. Weightier because I want to be there for Sarah and Samuel as they grow fast and furious, I want to be there when they cackle with delight, when they throw their tantrum and fold their arms, when they hurt with sadness, when they just want a cuddle or snuggle in our beds...I want to be there for Daniel as he fights his battles. And I haven’t even started on the rest of the family whom I love dearly. I can’t deny it, the stakes get higher each time. Everything that everyone takes for granted in their life, I can’t. 

But you know what, I have come to realize that it is all for good. 

As Daniel’s text came in - ca 125 6.3. Tears of gratitude welled up. The opportunity to do the things I love and am made to do is extended yet again. 

What a God! What a rainbow!