Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life to Live for Him

This morning as I looked out the window, God gave peace and assurance that all would be well. Still, a flood of memories rush to my mind...the tears, love and prayers of family and friends, the excruciating pain after Samuel's delivery, the kindness that all hospital staff showed, the unrestrained joy of God's demonstration of His power in our midst...of life and what it all means to Him. I think... I have not yet finished my mission here yet - perhaps it is to my family, perhaps it is to my church or perhaps it is to write the unwritten book. 

CA 125 - 6.1 

Thank you for grace given that I do not fully comprehend,
Thank you for mercies shown that I am not aware,
Thank you for life to give to You.
Teach me to give my life to you.

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