Friday, May 29, 2009

Learning ABCs with School of Tots

It is ChiaoChyi's and my goal to post all our lessons in School of Tots - but due to much delay - it has now become an ambition, haha...Well, we have embarked on a series which we believe would last us till the end of the year given our 2 week breaks and self declared holidays. So here goes...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Little Sarah is becoming a Big Little Sarah: Playing with her Imaginary Friend

One of Sarah's best friend apart from Hannah and Samuel is "Phant Phant". Phant Phant is the pink elephant stuff toy that Auntie Jeannette gave Sarah when she was about 5 months old. Sarah enjoys bringing Phant Phant around and one day, Mommy caught sight of Sarah changing diapers for Phant Phant. 

Happy 10th Month Samuel

Lest we forget, Samuel is growing as fast as Sarah. Samuel can wave, kiss goodbye, sign goodnight as well as throw a mean tantrum. Samuel is also a very fast crawler and he sprints off to the buttons of the dvd player whenever he gets a chance to. Mommy thinks Samuel is a special baby because he is very observant and is able to relate cause and effect of things real well. 
In recent days, he is now a pretty regular fixture in School of Tots. Samuel's favourite section of School is 'Make a Joyful Noise' time. Haha....but once a while, he is 'banished' because of disruptive behaviour:) We all love Samuel and thank God daily for giving us Samuel. 

Our Little Sarah is becoming a Big Little Sarah: Enjoying School of Tots

Apart from the occasional tantrum throwing, refusal to share song charts and instruments with Hannah, running off to her own little adventures, Sarah enjoys School of Tots. This is Sarah's tickled reaction because that day, Shu Shu David decided to pop in and make a fool of himself, much to Sarah's delight. 

Sarah is really engrossed in her coloring and she is learning to color within the marked areas. 
And Sarah loves to help with the song charts much to Hannah's frustration. 

Our Little Sarah is becoming a Big Little Sarah: Drinking like an adult

These days, our little Sarah really behaves like a big girl. During supper at Coffee Club, Sarah asked to sit on a big adult chair and she asked to drink cold water from a cup [without a bib and with her two hands]. Sarah did real well without a single spill. Much to our delight and relief. What a gal:)

Our Little Sarah is becoming a Big Little Sarah: Learning Capitals of Countries

Inspired by the reports of a 2 year old being able to recite the capitals of all the countries, Daniel decided to teach Sarah a few capitals a week during our car rides. Here is a short excerpt:

Daddy: "Ok Sarah. Daddy will teach you the capitals of the countries. Let's start with China. The capital of China is Beijing"
Sarah: "Jing"
Daddy: "The capital of Philippines is Manila"
Sarah: "nilalala" [Daddy and Mommy and Rubi laughs]
Daddy: "What is the capital of China?"
Sarah: "Xie Xie" [Mommy roars with laughter. Our dear Sarah associates mandarin with all things to do with China.]

As most teachers know, lessons don't always go according to plan. But we sure had an insight to the mind of Sarah that day.

Our Little Sarah is becoming a Big Little Sarah: Learning Nouns

Once in a while, Daniel and I think that indoctrination would make a genius out of Sarah. So, as we travel in the car, we would teach her. Here is a lesson on nouns and Sarah's rendition of it. Most lessons take the form of fill-in-the-blanks of which Sarah is pretty much an expert in.

Mommy: "Didi is a BOY and Sarah is a ..."
Sarah: "Girl" [Daddy and Mommy nodding with approval]
Mommy: "Very Good. Daddy is a ..."
Sarah: "Man" [Daddy hollers with approval]
Mommy: "And Mommy is a ...."
Sarah: [puckers her lips] "" [Daddy and Mommy agrees with delight. Footnote: Sarah gets a kick out of saying Wooooman]
Mommy: "What about Grandpa. Grandpa is a ...."
Sarah: [puckers up her lips] "" [Daddy and Mommy roars with laughter]
Mommy: "No, no, no...Grandpa is a..."
Sarah: "" [This time, Daddy and Mommy laughs even louder cos we finally understood Sarah]
Mommy: "Yes, yes, yes, Grandpa is an old man and Grandma is..."
Sarah: ""

So, thus little Sarah has learnt nouns and unwittingly progressed to adjectives. What can we say - a genius in the making? Hahaha...or more likely a clown. Hahaha

What's Up

To the many who come to this blog and see no updates, my greatest apologies. Herein lies many draft copies of serious thoughts, to events-yet-to-be-updated, to facing up to the realities of life and of course, on a lighter note, the musings of Sarah and Samuel. Well, I have to start somewhere, lest the avalanche of updates would soon threaten to run this blog aground...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 09, 2009