Monday, June 25, 2007

Sarah is potty trained -well kinda...

Since the confinement auntie was around, she taught mummy how to sound off strings of nazalized "ng" to elicit the stimulation of Sarah's bowels. Initially, I had laughed it off as ridiculous and impossible. But through many instances, I have seen how Sarah's bowels would respond to the queer noise. Perhaps that strange sound causes the intestines to contract? Anyway, mummy has used that eversince. I have to admit, Sarah is very cooperative.

How does it work? When Sarah cries because of diaper woes, mummy checks. Most of the time, it is soaked but when mummy detects signs of loose stools, the potty comes out and the "ngs" as well. Warning: much patience is needed. Her pootime is usually done in the mornings, about 10 am, just before bathtime. It is pretty cool.

Well, Auntie Dawn just couldn't resist a photo of mummy 'nging' Sarah. That is Sarah launching into her determined mode. *clap clap* - so clever. Saves mummy from the messy cleanup.

25th June 2007 - Happy 2 Month Old!

Yeah! Sarah is 2 month old - weighs 6.55 kg and stands at 61 cm. She was a bundle of fun at Dr Ang's clinic. Sarah decided to go into her talkative mode and when Dr Ang asked her to call him uncle, she muttered "". We both looked at each other in amazement. Dr Ang reminded me, "Did you read about the 2 year old genius in the papers today?" "Hmmm...a genius in the making," proud mummy thought to herself.

Today, was immunization day. Sarah had a five in one jab. She was a brave young gal. Mummy held her up and in went the needle. Sarah gave her characteristic yelp for about 2 seconds and went quiet. So proud of her. The only sign of the 'assault' was a plaster on her rear end.

Thank God for keeping Sarah safe and healthy.

Blessed Father's Day

How fast a year has passed and the events that came along with it...last year's father's day was shrouded with clouds of sadness. I remembered going for my gynae's visit with Darrell and was told that I had a blighted ovum and they needed to operate on me. Looking back at my entries, it seemed like a long time ago. I can still remember the look on my father's face - it was filled with sadness and pain. Both my father and father-in-law spoke nothing of father's day that year. I guess it just doesn't seem right to them to celebrate. That Saturday before father's day, I remembered Dan driving me in the spyder along Benjamin Sheares, perhaps to let the wind blow in my hair and to lift up my spirits. Well, inspite of the incident, it was very unlike me to miss father's day. So we decided to detour to Parkway Parade on our way home and we bought 2 cakes for our dear fathers. Well, a year has past eversince and this father's day is special. It is Dan's 1st father's day and our father's 1st grandfather's day and Dan's grandfather's great grandfather's day.

What do I make out of all of this? Through it all, I felt the Lord's presence in my life - not just during the joyous moments but especially through the sorrow filled times. His sustaining grace and mercy made it possible for me to look to Him in all of this. Ofttimes, we pray that these difficult moments may pass us by but perhaps, God meant for us to pass through these trials. The comfort is not in the removal of these trials but in trusting His hand which firmly upholds us through these trials.

How then do we pray when difficulties beset us? Do we pray for the Lord to remove the difficulties? Perhaps that is not always His plan. That we pray that the Lord would give us grace and strength through every trial. In recent times, this song has come to take a special place in my heart [especially the 2nd stanza]:
For Me to Live is Christ

There often are distractions from devotion to my Lord
I'm tempted with the things of earth and pleasures of this world
Lord may there be just one thing in my life I pursue
To know you Lord, to love you more, and be consumed with You.

For me to live is Christ and nothing more
For me to live is Christ whom I adore
Lord help me be, consumed with thee
So that for me to live is Christ

In my life there'll be trials and testings that He will ordained
But selfishly I ask Him for relief from all my pain
May I be so consumed with Him that even when I am tried
My only prayer and suffering is Christ be magnified

And when someday God calls me home through death's dark fearful door
To enter through eternity with Christ forever more
If on this earth my only goal in goodness and in pain
For me to live was Christ only
Then death, Lord, be my gain
May this prayer be the heartfelt prayer of our hearts.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Typical Day for Me and Sarah

I am very thankful that taking care of Sarah has slowly formed a routine. The routine is necessary for me to set aside time for me to care for myself physically, mentally and spiritually

5:00-6:00 Rise and Shine or feed Sarah and put her back to sleep
6:00-6:30 Wash up/ Sterilize bottles / Soak baby clothes
6:30-7:00 Prepare breakfast for Dan and me
7:00-8:00 Breakfast and Quiet time
8:00 Say bye to Dan
8:00-9:00 Pack the house or Sarah's Playtime [if she is awake]
9:00-9:30 Prepare for Sarah's bath
9:30-10:00 Sarah's bath time
10:00-10:30 Feeding Time
10:30-11:00 Put Sarah to sleep/ Mommy's Time
11:00-13:00 Wash baby's clothes/Pack house/Worktime
13:00-14:00 Lunch and feeding time
14:00-14:30 Change diapers - Sarah's playtime
14:30-17:00 Sarah's naptime [maybe mummy's if she is exhausted]/ Mommy'sTime
17:00 Change diapers - Sarah's feeding time
17:00-19:30 Sarah's Learning time/ Sarah's Pootime and waiting for Dan to return from work
19:30 Change diapers - Sarah's feeding time
19:30-21:30 Dinner and time with grandparents
21:30-22:30 Sarah sleeps for the day

*Of course, things don't always follow to a tee. But it is pretty much like this.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Ministry of Motherhood

It's been almost 2 months now. I have to admit - motherhood is not as easy as I imagined it to be. There were the harrowing 1st 2 days when Sarah cried her eyes out leaving me lost and wondering, there were the struggles of feeding a hungry baby, there was the deluge of advice from well meaning folks and there were struggles between privacy of adjustment [mother and child] and the public outpouring of love in visitation and advice. Looking back - I think these situations though trying, have raised my threshold a few notches - and I believe it is God's way of building His children's character.
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:1-5
Motherhood or parenthood for that matter is really a ministry. Sure, a baby is adorable, cute and lovable - but along with the cute package comes the baby's crying [sometimes bawling], the baby's loose stools that sometimes squirts out onto your clothings if you are not careful, the baby's total disregard for day and night and schedules etc... Looking at the pictures of Sarah, I am sure you would agree with me that motherhood brings much unspeakable joy. But what makes it a full and complete ministry are the difficulties that comes along with it. And as a mother, I can and must do all to the glory of God - even the diaper changing.

This is a photo of Sarah throwing a fit [tears all included]. This is the real, complete ministry of motherhood. Babies are not always picture perfect cos they are born sinners like us. But God loves children and He came to save them. May Sarah come to know the Lord at a young age.

p/s - Can't wait to show Sarah this when she grows up.

Throughout these past 7 weeks, I have come to learn again that the key and success to parenthood is not just about understanding your baby’s idiosyncrasies, habits and patterns; it is not just about training the little one; it is not just about establishing a routine; it is not just about mastering skills of diapering, bathing, feeding etc. Don’t get me wrong – as you can see that all the above mentioned are necessary to motherhood and mastering them really makes life easier.

But the key to parenthood is truly to LOVE God.
And to LOVE God is to KNOW God.

A simple truth but it was often easily lost amidst trying circumstances – for me it was baby’s Sarah’s cries, her packed schedule, her sleepless days as well as mommy’s-trying-to-grapple-with-motherhood-process. I am thankful for my husband who saw through all of the chaos and busy-ness and sat me down one evening and got my bearings in order. This truth may seem detached to parenthood but truly when we seek God, all other things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:23. When I started reading the book of Deuteronomy many months back, it was with hopes of knowing what I needed to impart to Sarah. While that was most useful and even commendable, I failed to read God’s word to simply KNOW God more. Knowing God was the key to successful parenthood. Strange as it may sound but it enables us to LOVE Him and to TRUST Him in whatever trying circumstances we might find ourselves in. The added bonus in Deuteronomy is that it is a book that demonstrates God’s love – a book for us to understand how loving a parent God is to the nation of Israel and that is He is the epitome of the ideal loving Father.
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with and your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Deut 6: 4

1 Month and 10 Days old - June Camp 2007

Sarah's 3rd Travelling Adventure - Sebana Cove and Marina Desaru

This camp was a very special one for me. Firstly, Dan, Sarah and I were going together as a family and secondly, my Daddy and Mummy were coming along with us for the first time on the pretext of taking care of Sarah and me:) I have been praying for this day to come but in all honesty, I had doubts that it would be answered. God is good and works inspite of us and our unfaithfulness. It was a real blessing as we were allocated a room that was very idyllic - not to mention - it was tucked away in a far corner of the resort. But my parents appreciated the serenity of the place - so did we.

Sarah's 1st long distance travel in the car and her carseat. She did surprisingly well. She did not cry for the 2 hours we bobbed along the north south highway - of course with the help of trusty pacificer.

This was where we stayed - Classic 2 Room A5. My parents sitting by the bench just outside our apartment.

The tranquil morning view of the pier just outside our apartment.
This got Dan really excited. Imagine having your own pier to fish at anytime of the day.
Dan back in his natural elements. A big catch on the 1st day - Seabass. Darrell caught one too - a bigger one.
Note the wide smile on Dan's face.
Surveying his fishing grounds.
Dawn and Henry came to visit. Yes, we were that far away.

Pastor, Auntie Diana, Charissa and baby Sarah.
Sis Wilnie and Auntie Chee Kit with Sarah.
That's Daddy.

That's mummy feeding Sarah.
Dan and me.

Preparation for Sarah's 3rd Travelling Adventure

We needed to make a passport for Sarah as we would be going to Desaru for our Church camp. Well, making a passport for a 1 month old baby was not as simple as I thought. Firstly, mommy had to take a picture of Sarah. It was funny trying to prop Sarah up cos she still couldn't sit up. We tried almost everything. Then we had to search for a white background. Still, it didn't work. So we decided to lie her flat and out came some interesting shots - that really didnt look like Sarah.

Rejected: Not looking into camera

Rejected: Still a little inclined to the right

Not too bad:)

That's grandma and Sarah waiting to collect the passport.

At the Doctor's: Day 34 - 28 May 2007

That's Sarah's paedeatrician, Dr Ang PL gamely posing for a shot. Went to the clinic for Sarah's monthly checkup. She now weighs a healthy 5.4 kg and measures 57cm in length. Praise God for keeping Sarah healthy:)

Sarah just did a mini push-up *clap clap*

To Hong Kong - 25 -27 May 2007

For the very first time, we had to leave Sarah behind Singapore while we attended the 2nd part of Godpa and Godma's wedding in Hong Kong. Sarah's grandparents were more than willing to look after her while her parents were away. I am thankful for this short break where I could reflect on the events of the month. Many thoughts came to my mind on my flight there - in particular, how 1 month passed so fast. And not just 1 month, but the entire pregnancy since last Sept. I still feel very awed sometimes at how God's will unfolds in our lives. Only Trust Him!
Arrived in Hong Kong about midnight. Felt hungry and found this lovely eatery just round the corner from our hotel.

Tucking into a yummy bowl of beef brisket

At the wedding - Daniel and Melvin

Some of the Singaporean guests at the wedding

Sarah's 1 month Family Celebration - 24 May 2007

2 Grandmas

Shu Shu and Grandpa

Grandpa and Grandma

DuaYi, Grandpa and Grandma

Day 26- May 20 2007

Sarah's 1st Sunday to Church

More of Sarah...

These are some of my fave shots of little Sarah
Burping time
A little wink;)
Sarah's fave sleeping position - on her front
Playful and talkative Sarah

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Day 19 - Baby Dedication May 13 2007

2nd Travelling Adventure - Baby Dedication at Fairy Point Chalet 7

After a one night stay at the Ritz, we zoomed home in the morning and Daddy went to church while Mommy packed and prepared for Baby Sarah's Dedication Service. It was going to be a 3 Day 2 Night Stay at Fairy Point Chalet 7. You probably realized that it is way too early for a first month celebration. Well, mommy took a risk and booked the highly popular chalet 2 months ago hoping that the date would be perfect. Haha...guess not. But Daddy and Mommy decided to go ahead and invite the many people who prayed and showed their concern during the entire pregnancy. And at the same time, we wanted to take this opportunity to give God the glory for all He has done for us through Sarah.

Table deco done by Auntie Dawn
Centrepiece - Flowers from last night's wedding and deco by Auntie Dawn
Cupcakes from Cupcake Momma. Special thanks to Auntie ChiaoChyi for running errands at Ikea.
All set up for the dedication service. Special thanks to Dawn, Darrell, Wee Beng, Ivan, Jeremy and Tzegang for set up.
A bird's eye view of the service led by Daddy Daniel. Special thanks to Uncle Chunghowe for capturing the kodak moments
There's little Sarah.
That's Uncle Jeremy capturing the day's events.
It was indeed a beautiful day, a beautiful place and a beautiful service. Did wish I had pictures of all my guests - all of whom were much appreciated. Daddy and his brothers sang this beautiful hymn which summarizes our tribute to God on this special occasion:
Hymn of Grateful Praise
For the beauty of the earth For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,This our hymn of grateful praise.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,Our hymn of praise
For the wonder of each hour,Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flower,Sun and moon, and stars of light.
Brother, sister, parent, child,
Friends on earth and friends above,
For all gentle thoughts and mild.
For Thy Church, that evermore lifteth holy hands above,
Offering up on every shore Her pure sacrifice of love.
For Thy selfless gift Divine, To our race so freely given,
For Thy great great love of Thine,Peace on earth and joy in Heaven
Lord, accept our hymn of grateful praise!

Day 18 - May 12 2007

The Start of Many of Sarah's travelling Adventures with Daddy and Mommy

1st Travelling Adventure - Stayover at the Ritz

Many would have argued that it was taboo for mummy to leave the house before confinement month is up and what more bring a 2 week old baby around. But Daddy says let's do it. So we did it - it was not without protest from mommy though. It was really quite fun but very very hectic. It was Godpa's and Godma's wedding at the Ritz. First things first, let me introduce you to Sarah's Godpa and Godma - Melvin and Viola.

I have to say that service at the Ritz is topnotch. They are really baby friendly. They provided many things for Sarah - a cot, a baby bathtub and even Sarah had her own toiletries set.
That's Daddy and Sarah on the plush bed of Ritz

Check out Sarah's very own rubber duckie and toiletries set
The spectacular view from the room

The equally spectacular view from the bathroom!

The Wedding
A shot with the bride.