Thursday, October 29, 2009

Preparations for Sarah and Samuel's Learning

As I am slowly reading and learning as well as preparing for Sarah and Samuel's learning, I do take occasional breathers from the intense preparation to enjoy designs - may it be home & decor, nursery decor, paper decor and artwork. Recently, I stumbled upon designs & artwork which would assist in their learning & I am so thankful for these creative people who readily make available their designs to share.

Days of the week: I have been meaning to reinforce the days of the week visually to Sarah. It all started with Sundays when Sarah knows that she goes to church and Wednesdays when mommy goes for BSF as well as Saturday and Sunday, the days when mommy allows her to watch Sound of Music. I was planning to make tags to put in the car and dread the amount of time I would have to spend on Big Mac when I found this at under freebies. Inspired but relieved:) Go here and have a whale of a time digging for treasures but remember, don't get carried away.

This clever designer made tags for her children's clothes so that they can grab their clothes in the morning before going off to school. A brilliant idea that can be translated to just about anything.

Numbers and sequence of events: This other idea by the same designer gave me some ideas in teaching numbers and sequence of events to Sarah and Samuel.  

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