Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sarah's Turns 27 months!

The upload for Sammy's birthday looks too daunting to undertake for the time being. Sammy went into a 3 day fever days just after his birthday. His nites were disrupted, not to mention, mommy's nites. But we are truly truly thankful he is well now. So, a little diversion before the entry on Samuel's birthday.

Our dear little Sarah turns 27 months [pardon her blackish teeth:)]. She is really growing - Since a few months back when we 1st learnt the ABCs in School of Tots, she has learnt to sing the Alphabet Song again and again and again. I think there were at least 2 days when she sang this song all the time, at home, at Grandpa & Grandma's house and at Agong & Ama's house. She does it pretty well and goes into momentary gibberish when it comes to "L, M, N, O, P". And she counts 1 to 10 well. The other numbers beyond 10 that she knows well are 16 and 18 cos we always press the lift numbers to go to our home or Grandpa & Grandma's house. Haha...

Next to posting photos of the budding photographer with the kid's camera that Auntie CC, Shu Shu David and Shu Shu Darrell bought for Sarah's 2nd birthday, mommy is proud to present Sarah's masterpieces. These are done entirely on her own. Remember, only the truly gifted are able to recognize the work of the gifted [Just couldn't resist this extension of the Emperor's New Clothes]. 
Masterpiece 1 - 'The Singapore Flyer & Fishballs'. 

Masterpiece 2 - 'The Frog Ate the Flyer' 

Our Little Sarah & her many gifts which we enjoy:)

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