Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week 7 [29 Dec - 4 Jan]

Looking Cool in Blue and Pink and Blue and Pink
I thought Sarah looks pretty coordinated in her head-to-toe blue and pink outfit against the blue sea, so therefore a special mention:)

Friday - Dinner with Godpa, Godma, Uncle Jonathan and Auntie Karen

Met up with Daniel's pals at work and their wives nearby at Parkway Fish and Co - Godpa Melvin, Godma Viola, Jonathan and Karen. It is nice to see everyone again. Wanted to make a trip overseas together....well, with babies and all, perhaps in the future:)
Godpa, Godma and kids
Godpa, Baby Aidan, Baby Samuel & Auntie karen
Aidan and Daniel

Sat Afternoon - New Year lunch with Daddy and Mommy at Club Chinos

I always like to see my Daddy and Sarah. They share a special relationship - the kind that mothers cannot interfere:) Of course, that is my mom and her favourite grandson. Haha....she has only one, so far.

Sunday Morning
We made a thanksgiving visit to Uncle Seow and Auntie Pat's Church in the West of Singapore. Their church prayed faithfully for me and Samuel and our family since last Jan. In particular, Pastor Anthony and his faithful replies to Daniel's emails have been the most encouraging. We finally met many of them who prayed for us and many of them finally met me and the miracle boy, Samuel. We thank God for giving us a living testimony that He is truly a God who desires to answer our prayers. What a faithful and loving God we serve!
Sarah having a whale of a time with their in house slide

An afternoon with Auntie Hwee Teng & Luke
It was then off to nice afternoon with my childhood Sunday School teacher and her son. I have always enjoyed spending time with this family - simple and unassuming. An example that I have learnt and observed from my Sunday school teacher of yore is that she brings her son along when she visits the sick, the homebound and others. That is perhaps the best way of showing Christ's example to your children - discipleship of your children in action. 

Mother and son enjoying a game of pool.

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