Friday, February 26, 2010

Counting Down Towards the Cross of Christ: An Advent

I just did a google on the date that Good Friday is scheduled for, and realized that it is 2nd April 2010. Hmmm....I never knew that. Though the date is arbitrary [in a way], it serves as a gauge for my countdown towards the Cross. For this advent, apart from leading Sarah and Samuel towards the cross of Christ, would be for me to understand for myself why Jesus became flesh and died for us. I am excited to have found a resource that I would use as my reading for the month of March - 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper. May I encourage you to read this along with me, read 2 reasons a day [one for morning and one for  night] and may you know for yourself Why Jesus Came to Die and come to cherish the Old Rugged Cross and trust in the Christ of the Cross.

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