Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Narrative Interpretation of John 12:1-4

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she held the little bottle of fragrant ointment close to her chest. As the sun set slowly behind her, her steps trodded heavily but resolutely back home. She could still remember the first time when she first heard His teachings and Words as she sat with thousands on the hill. The authority, the power and the love of His words have made a deep and profound impression on her heart. She could still remember the indescribable joy on the faces of those who were inflicted but miraculously healed. And how could she ever forget how He specially made time for everyone - even the little restless children. 

Time was running out and she quickened her steps beneath her. As she walked through the door, her eyes scanned the house quickly - past the people gathered there that day for a thanksgiving dinner, - past the modest but large spread of food laid on the table and there seated in the middle was her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Without a word, she walked towards her Lord and went down on her knees and opened the bottle of precious ointment. The beautiful fragrance immediately enrapt the room and it did seem as if everyone in the room, held their breath. Gently, she took her Lord's feet and with her long tresses, she wiped her Lord's feet with the drops of ointment, mingled with tears unknown to the crowd.

Nothing mattered to her. Not the murmuring and disapproving audience nor the cost of the ointment. All that mattered was that Jesus would leave her soon and journey towards a death on the cross. Indeed, a reality of truth and life [and death] renders all that is vanity, vanity. 

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Good Friends begat Good Friends:)

To think that I first met Jeannette when we were in Sec One and through some interesting "coincidence", we were 'partners' in the queue for 4 years straight - despite the fact that I was kinda one head taller, one mouth louder, a 3 hands messier and our differences goes on. Haha. Well, I never thought the day would arrive when we would have kids of our own, and kids of the same age and better still, kids who could play happily with one another, although we always dreamt about the possibility of it in Secondary School. Now that it is really a reality, it stills amazes and amuses me. 

Lapbook: A Pair of Red Clogs

Finally, moved on to alphabet "C" and did "A Pair of Red Clogs". It was a pretty engaging session as we looked at Japan. According to Sarah, the map of Japan resembles a slide:) We located it on the globe as well as Hong Kong because Hannah and her parents and grandparents are there too. Did a little imaginative playact with the kids bathrobes and pretended that they were kimonos. Did a simple coloring of kimonos and spent the rest of the time painting the wooden clogs with acrylic paint. Still a whole host of things to introduce for this study - Crafts, origami, introduction to Japanese Art, woodblock painting ...most of the ideas were gleaned by many others who have done this lapbook. Managed to reserve a  Big Bird goes to Japan from the NLB. Looking forward to the rest of the lessons.

[clogs painted by Sarah Tan]

Sunday, September 05, 2010

It was our 8th Wedding Anniversary and 16 years since we first dated.

It was Chiao Chyi who first reminded me that it was our wedding anniversary the next day. Hahah...I can't believe it slipped my mind. I must clarify, it seems like Dan and I have been doing everything together all the time that, well... it was another ordinary special day. Kids were happily with their grandparents and Darrell while Dan and I went for a simple pomfret fish steamboat, listened to a sermon together, and headed for a meeting before heading home to play with our kiddos. As it was, an ordinary special day:)

These 8 years, I think our marriage experienced the full weight of these words in our marriage vow - In sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as long as we both shall live, till death do us part. Believe it or not, I think I had the better end of the deal even when I was the one going through the operations and the treatment. I think it is far tougher to watch your loved one experience pain than than for one to experience it personally. 

I thank God for starting us early :) - contrary to views against early dating. And I pray that for the remaining years we have for Him, that we as a family would be able to understand, appreciate and rejoice in the gospel in its entirety and believe the gospel with our lives by allowing it to pervade every theology we hold and to preach the gospel boldly to whoever He leads us to. And in our parenting, that we can train and bring up our children so that they can in turn carry on the heritage of God's good news to their families, their friends and to their world. 

Friday, September 03, 2010

The Great List of Literary Links for Toddlers [that keeps on growing]

This is a growing compilation of useful  links I go to for helping Sarah and Samuel with literacy and their love for books.
a site that is free and where Sarah and Samuel had endless hours of fun and where Sarah mastered navigating using my mac 
just found this site and it looks great and fun. Wish I found it earlier, but better late than never
I first stumbled onto this site as I searched for other Nancy Tafuri books. A very alive site of great children's recommendations simply because the author of the blog believes in and loves books. What I find part useful are the links to each author's site at the bottom of each entry for the books. It opens up a whole new world of extension and depth for me and eventually for the kids. 

NLB: Recommend a Book
The National Library plays a very important role in Sarah and Sam's literary masterplan. The National Library is a National treasure to me because someone up there truly believes in the power of literary and is willing to put money where their mouth is. I have stopped buying books because our library is very well stocked and also because buying books is a costly exercise as well as a space reducing one:) I only buy activity books for the kids nowadays. So what about those books that are not stocked in the library? I use this is a link to recommend a book - which simply means that if they deem the book suitable, they would purchase it and make it available at our local libraries. To date, the NLB have brought in Trebellina [DVD], Lost and Found [DVD], Mudpies to Magnets and Seasons of a Mother's Heart by Sally Clarkson for me. More to come - A Day with  No Crayons will be a next recommendation for me. 

If I had all the time and money in the world

Haha...sounds like one of those dreamy and indulgent questions. Well, on the contrary, it was one of the questions in the work manifesto that I did in June Camp.

Q: If I had all the time and the money in the world, I would...

This question initially stumped me and it drew a blank. I asked Daniel why it drew a blank and he answered, because you have not discovered your purpose in life and what you are really meant to do. That got me really thinking hard. For the years of teaching I did and the awards I won, I really did not live life with a zest. Phew. That reality blew my mind. That 4 days of learning about Work and how it matters to God did a great deal in me searching out my purpose in life. And as I relooked that question after those few days, the question made so much sense to me. It simply means, if there were no restrictions, obligations or constrains in your life, what would you be found doing. Suddenly I felt that the list could not end. But I am relief and so thankful. I thank God for helping me recover my zest in life. So even if none on the list would ever happen, here it is.

A: If I had all the time and money in the world, I would: 
1) Return back to university [Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge if they would accept me on compassionate grounds:)] and get a good, solid liberal arts degree
2) Return back to university [Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge if they would accept me on persistent grounds:))] to get a theological degree
2) Get myself an internship with Jamie Oliver and learn how to whip up healthy luxurious meals for my family, an hopefully write a cookbook and receive royalties for the rest of my life. hahah
3) Master adobe photoshop and other useful design software. 
4) Go to the states and sign up for an upholstery course. Then return back to Singapore and refurbish those wonderful looking retro chairs. 
5) Employ a top notch carpenter to make all those wonderful sofas and wing chairs for every nook and corner of our house. 
6) Yes, I would oblige Daniel and follow him as he takes our family and sail around the world. 

Another liberating exercise, I must say.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Seminal Entry: Education with Sarah and Samuel

[As I write this entry, I am putting my discoveries and thoughts into words about what I am convinced education is and I would categorize this as a seminal entry]

I am asked this question quite a lot by neighbours, friends, aquaintances...especially when they see my kids running around during hours when most children should be in school. Daniel and I have discussed about this quite a bit, I have read much about it, reasoned it much in my mind and prayed and asked the Lord what my role is to my children.

One conclusion we came to as parents of Sarah and Samuel - is that we need to take up full responsibility for drawing up the masterplan for their education. I believe this is a responsibility that we can delegate to no one else but ourselves. But it is a humble calling because of its  grave and lifelong consequences. It took a while for me to come to this conclusion as I read around homeschooling, its methods, parents' review and all....It was confusing because for all the information it offers, it was still a microscopic treatment of education. Methods, books and authors will not make sense if there is no bird's eye view of where one is heading in life. And that is inextricably linked to how one would eventually be effective for the Lord wherever He deems to place that individual.

Ironically, living in our modern and fast paced society has created sloths out of us rather than efficient creatures. Though cleverly 'knighted' as multi-taskers, we have expediently move from one task to another, one item on our checklist to another, and one phase in life to another without pausing to think, reflect and question our very existence. Our pace of life has rendered our minds lazy and invalid. Age has dictated that our toddlers head to nursery and kindergarten. Local policies have dictated that our children study a particular subject over another. Economic shifts have shortlisted job options and paved careers for our teenagers. In essence, we have allowed the world to draw up the masterplan for our education. Our society has usurped the role of parents and children to think on their behalf. Consider it not strange why many a young adult eventually emerges out of their academic shell only to confront a working world which they are ill equipped to face and handle confidently. Because for the longest time [at least for the past 18 years], they knew not what education was and thus they never knew where they were heading with it. They have been toddling along from nursery, to kindergarten, to primary, to secondary, to JC if not poly and eventually to University local or overseas and would continue to do so until they confront the unforgiving working world. Looking back, I feel like smacking myself on the forehead for ignoring the desperate pleas of teenagers [me included] -  "I don't know what I am going to work as". But of course - they and their parents never knew what education was all about - except for securing a good job in the future. I have been there and I am still reeling from the effects of a mindless education.

To even begin drawing up this masterplan requires one to begin to make sense of this world and how Christians are to live in this world.  For that part, Daddy Daniel is best equipped to do so. I really thank God for Daniel because God has gifted him with a powerful mind and given him a heart to give of his mind to his family and his church. I literally sit at his feet on this. I must say, understanding and drawing up a masterplan on the contrary has given me liberty and freed me  - It has given me liberty to explore all options as well as freed me to try my kids out for different training of skills.

As we reviewed our own learning processes and skills and eventually looking at how one can be of use to the Lord, we realize the earlier we train our kids in the rudiments, the more painless it is for them to pick up a useful skill. I so often enjoy listening to a musician who is so enrapt in a free expression of his skill. The ease with which he handles the instrument to me is enviable. But very often, it belies the truth that this wonderful fruit that he and his listeners enjoy comes from many years of hard rigor and discipline. We so often only covet the fruit but eschew all forms of pruning that precludes that blossoming. The greatest gift I think I can do for Sarah and Samuel is to offer them opportunities to go through the rigor in areas which they are most inclined to when they are young so that they can thoroughly enjoy the blossoming of those hard work in their young adult years [for themselves, for their families and for God].

First stage of education
Reading & Writing
1) to train Sarah and Samuel to read and eventually to write. Even in this first stage, it involves many things, learning the alphabets, phonics, putting alphabets together and getting use to seeing these individual words come together in a sentence. That is quite a bit of skill that requires consistency and creativity. Where do we hope to bring them to in this? Not literacy for literacy sake. Surely, we train our children to read and write for a reason. Dan and I believe that this rigour is essential because it will free them to read and enjoy books and begin their young minds in a world of literary creativity and more importantly, we hope to engage them in meaningful discussions and conversations about their world. It will mark the start of an expansion of the mind and its renewing thereof.

For that reason, I am slowly but surely continuing Sarah and Samuel in their exploration of phonetic combinations and exposure to words. In this area, I willingly take up the role of their educator for various reasons [another entry at another time].

2) Exposure to languages
In drawing up of the masterplan, I cannot be ignorant of a wealth of historical evidence that points to the ease of language acquisition among children. And more so when Sarah indicates that she wants to learn, "Xie Xie", her euphemism for Mandarin. That sent me on an intense search a month ago for a suitable Mandarin class for Sarah. It would be great if I spoke Mandarin freely at home. Well, I don't. So, I searched for a class. I found one that met several simple pragmatic criteria  - proximity, timing and positive reviews. I am glad that she is enjoying it much.

And a firm NO , I am not sending Sarah to Mandarin Classes so that she could adapt easily to Primary School where they introduce Mandarin. That to me is a flawed goal for education and a case of enthusiasm gone wrong. On that note, there are no rewards for guessing my response to the surge in the enrollment in tuition centres that prepare primary one students for exams.

3) Music and Arts 
Music and the arts is a very interesting area of study as it reveals to us much about humanity and his tendencies, his advancement, his response to God or lack thereof. This a greatly neglected area in my life and I think I am only at the tip of an iceberg of discovery in this area. For the kids, its not just the exposure to instruments that I hope to give to them but to allow them to see where in history does music and art feature.

I recently explored this area actively, because of Sarah's inclination for the instrument. Samuel says he wants to play the violin. Haha. But even so, things were complex. Many classes for Sarah's age group are exposure in nature. Tickling of the ivories, rhythm and beat etc. I felt that Sarah was kinda beyond because she is naturally gifted in rhythm and beat from a young age and she enjoys composing her own songs and she often goes to the piano and hits the notes whilst singing. You can call it a mother's instinct and insistence, but I think Sarah has a gift in this area. And again, mommy is not well equipped in this area so she went alooking for a suitable trainer for Sarah. This first piano teacher we tried out scared her. Haha...I am still exploring options in this area.

4) God's Word
Currently, Sarah and Samuel are learning God's truth through BSF kids and Sunday School. I hope to consistently teach them some simple catechism and verses alongside our prayer time and lapbook time.

5) Physical
Sarah's physical dexterity has started me on a search for a suitable rhythmic gym class. Her hula hoop skills and her own version of cartwheels and jumps have impressed us. Eventually, in their teens, we hope to give them opportunities for sailing and piloting. When we ask who wants to learn how to pilot a plane, Sammy yells, "Me". Guess what Sarah says? "I want to be an air stewardess." Haha...

What does Homeschooling mean to me?
I believe Homeschooling is much misunderstood, in spite of the sincerest of efforts. It is really not a parent [or both parents] taking on the full load of a child's education or to eschew all forms of external schooling. This misinformed restriction will only result in unnecessary stressful obligations, strained relationships and naturally a burnout in no time. Holding this definition and claiming that all parents should homeschool their children would be to put to shame the graces that God has given and place unnecessary guilt on struggling and dysfunctional families.

I believe Home Education is when parents to take full responsibility in drawing up a masterplan and charting out their children's goal and destination of education and not subjecting their children to the society's goal of education. For that, I believe that all parents can and must be involved in Home Education. Parents need to engage their minds in this area. Where time and energies and resources permit, parents can take up this teaching personally. And when resources are limited, we need to feel free to engage the help of organizations that offer effective teaching in the relevant areas. Having said this, I am prepared to embrace any forms of external schooling and leverage on the existing scaffolding only if it fits into our masterplan for our kids. And in areas where it run contrary to our goals,  I would take on their training myself with gusto and a huge dose of grace!

Understanding this, I hope to bring Sarah and Samuel to this end [Romans 12:1-2]:

That through our parenthood and our God-given responsibility, we can with the mercies and grace of God, present our children as worthy instruments to Him [as a form of worship] through 

  • Bodies prepared [equipped through physical or skill training]
  • Minds that are renewed and transformed [through the teaching & training of God's word]
  • Minds that can engage and discern [through teaching and training of the disciplines of this world and its philosophies]
Having said all this, we pray that God would give all of us life to fulfill our role in this area and that in His grace and mercy would bring our kids to a true and saving knowledge of Him. 

 - Writing this took a couple of hours 
but it has been a most liberating exercise -