Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Missing Daniel...

in India

Practice makes perfect...well, that was what I thought. After Thailand, I thought that I would be fine on my own. Well, it didn't take long for me to miss him again and I'm glad I would never get use to not having Daniel around. Looking back, yesterday was hilarious. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. Day ended at 4:30 pm. Car kept stalling. Used up a phonecard just trying to establish connection to India. Volume was so soft and the connection so muffled that I found myself practically shouting into the phone. It was indeed a trying time. It didn't help to know that Daniel was running a fever and experiencing some sort of viral infection and stomach upset. The series of events is really quite amusing when you think about it...although it didn't seem so yesterday. ermm...I wonder why?

But praise God for His patience, mercy and kindness. I am glad that He has calmed my soul since then. There are many blessings and lessons that He has in store for me and Daniel during these times of separation. Some of these lessons are more painful than others...but they are a part of God's larger and infinite plan.

Prayer: Dear Lord, that I would depend on you as the source and giver of my all. Continue to protect, guide and lead Daniel when he is away from me. Help me to trust simply in your omnipotence and omniscience. May I not be tempted to question your ways during these times but to 'Only Trust You'.

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