Friday, September 18, 2009

My mommy turns 60:)

We celebrated my mommy's 60th birthday in a simple fashion cos she wouldn't have it any other way. Here are some pretty rare shots of my parents cos everytime I yank out a camera, my mom goes into hiding or smiles too momentary for my camera to capture it. With a change of camera and parents who are more accustomed to their daughter's snapping antics, I am happy to have these pictures on record.

My beloved Daddy and Mommy who went through some emotionally painful times last year when they tried to grapple with the reality that their daughter had cancer.
This is the classic look that my Daddy always gives me when he realizes that I am up to no good.
Sammy in a rare moment of aggression
Ama & her beloved grandson.

 Blessed birthday Ama!

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