Monday, June 29, 2009

Mom Got the Mumps

It started with what I thought was a toothache and then on Saturday night, I felt my cheeks start to swell. And the most baffling thing is - I got the mumps. The first thing to do was to wear a mask in case I infect the children [well, they received the vaccine for it already]. 

But Sarah was very very very upset to see my in a mask. As I put on my mask, she came right up to my face, bawling and crying, "No, take out! No, take out!" As I tried my best to explain to her, she pulled the strings of my ears and cried very badly. At one point of time, she slumped down on the floor and just cried. As I saw those tears in her eyes and feel her heart ache, I also couldn't stop my tears from flowing. Perhaps, my dear sensitive Sarah remembered that the days mommy wore masks was during her chemotheraphy days and she doesn't want to know that her precious mommy is not well. 

So, I am now on home quarantine in case I infect the rest of the family. I pray that God would keep us well...

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