Friday, July 01, 2005

OYEA 2005

Disclaimer: If I had a swollen knee, a 2 week holiday and no common tests... I would have kept my promise. haha - *innocent smile*hmmm, I wonder who that was directed at?*wink*

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OYEA award 2005 and a bouquet of flowers by my Principal

I know the Lord has been sustaining me through this hectic week. Many times, I really felt like a floating log, driven by the uncontrollable ebbs of the sea of events. It started off with an interview on Monday morning. This was followed by preparation for Daniel's Thailand trip in the afternoon, and his flight in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. On Tuesday morning, there was the rehearsal for the award ceremony and the actual ceremony took place in the afternoon. That meant more interviews and photo taking. I had dinner that night at Tung Lok Arena Country Club with Daddy, Mummy, Sis and Darrell. On Wednesday morning, I had a brief radio interview with station 93.8. Lessons as usual for the rest of the day and Thursday. Friday - went to MOE EXCEL at Suntec, but it was so crowded, we were turned away. Spend the evening with Judi and John Robinett. Saturday - off to Taka to see Darrell and his olympic aspirations. Spent some time with Sis Judi Robinett.

I really thank and praise the Lord for His comfort, strength and encouragement throughout this period. I received many smses from church friends, colleagues of present and old and students as well. A few whom I have lost touch sent me emails. Those were indeed pleasant surprises. Thank you all.
Receiving OYEA and having people read out my citation caused me to realized how the Lord has blessed me in this vocation ever since I was posted to my first school. Throughout my 4 years as a teacher, I have been exposed to dramatic situations and experiences which are truly invaluable. Particularly, as a teacher counselor, you simply cannot guess how 'Indiana Jones' some of these experiences are. You can ask me and I would gladly spend a couple of hours relating some of these experiences to you. I thank God for the opportunities to reach out to the teenagers in USSS and FTP as well as the many skills and techniques I had to pick up along the way in dealing with these situations.

I thank God for the many people I met along the way, my colleagues and my students. The USSS bunch is really a unique bunch. Noisy, articulate, sweet, lovely...It was there I got to experience having Hearing Impaired students in my midst. A beautiful experience because that brought the 'heart' into our school.

In the midst of all the teaching, serving in the youth ministry was definitely a tough juggle but it was what I looked forward to every weekend and holiday break. Well, this award made it all the more special because it honored by my commitment to God and the youth ministry. Imagine, serving the Lord, thoroughly enjoying every moment of it and getting an award for it. What a bonus! God is good.
On this note, award or no award, I challenge those who are working or have just started working. Your vocation is first primarily a Christian, then a (fill in your occupation). When we get our priorities jumbled up, you realize that your struggles are always about your work. Your burdens and your prayer requests would be work related and you find little rest, reprieve or joy in what you do. You might find temporary satisfaction in a job well done or an exam well scored but you find yourself wanting more. You might even entertain thoughts of entering into full time out of frustration but still find no certainty and assurance in that thought.

Youths - let not your most burdened prayers be about how the Lord can help you just in your common tests and examinations. You are limiting the wonderful work of God in your life when you do that. There is more to your life as a Christian than that. Look to God and He will enable you to look beyond -to consider each opportunity as one to use for His glory and for the making of disciples. As I hear many young people lament about their work and school, I urge you to look beyond your 'income-generated' work and to consider it really as a mission field - a field where you are a full-time tent making disciple. God and my hubby have taught me a great deal, I hope you will learn these lessons too.

Try this litmus test - This is not fool-proof or Bible proof, but rather a conviction God has placeed in my personal heart. If the Lord were to call you to full-time mission, are you ready? Before you scream 'YES'! - it should not be in response because you find your work or school environment worldly or ungodly - it is not as a form of escapism because you hate what you are doing right now. Instead, your 'YES' is because wherever you are now, you are convinced that the Lord has prepared you sufficiently for greater work and battle in the mission field. That switch from your work to full-time mission should be an easy and almost natural transition and not one of struggle. Note - this is my personal take.

For me, it seems like the Lord might want me to remain in teaching for the next couple of years, at the least. But I testify to the glory of the Lord, that I am ready even if He wants me to leave all here and move to the regions beyond. He makes all things beautiful in His time. As my life is not mine alone but it includes Daniel. The Lord has also prepared likewise in Daniel's heart to lead our family in this direction. I feel that we are both waiting for God's approval to move us to the regions beyond...but as for now, the Lord's work for us in our vocations here is not done yet. Well if that be the case, then I look forward to see his plan unfold for us in Singapore. Do pray for us!

p/s - I miss my Daniel. He is out in the jungle till next Monday and will be flying back on Tuesday.

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