Our owl [we have identified that it is the Asian Barred Owl] has been regularly spotted at its usual place. Just before Daddy Daniel left for Germany, we took our family night walk much to Sarah's fright. With her ears tightly cupped, we wheeled to the the usual spot to admire our owl. True enough, it was there and we managed to come right up close. And guess who had the best view? Haha...our dear Sarah, seated at the bottom half of our Phil and Teds. It was an awesome moment for everyone. We saw it point blank. This time, even Sarah was awed. It was really cool.
Just yesterday, we went on an owl hunt with Jan and Jojo and Rubi. Not only was it found in its usual spot, we heard the owl call and it was unlike anything we had imagined. It was not hoo hoo...but it was like a frog croaking. Haha...I really wonder the many animals we missed thinking that we heard a cricket or a toad while it is actually some other creature. It was really cool.
So cool...I think I will hold a simple owl party sometime next week for the kiddos before ending it with our owl hunt. Found some cool ideas on the web...
Some fun owl smores snacks [I have a mind to adapt this to my healthy banana blueberry muffin, spread it with a thick layer of nutella and top it up with marshmallow eyes]
Owl crafts are aplenty
Read an owl bedtime story
And of course, give the kids some great owl vocabulary and they wouldn't even know what hit them.