Even as I begin to write this entry, I almost thought I was going to write a reflection of 2010. Haha...I am not even there yet. Not yet. I have decided to record down my dear Samuel. My little boy is growing - taller, stronger, older and haha...more difficult.
Sammy is different from his easy going sister. Sammy is really particular. He is particular about everything. He is particular about being woken up from his sleep. He is particular about having to share his bed with his sister. He is particular about people peering into his cot and watching him sleep [when he realizes it]. He is particular about people showering kisses and hugs to him. He is particular about people intruding into his enormously large personal space. He is particular about a certain itch. Haha...literally Sammy is particular with every single irritation. And in recent weeks, Sammy does not seem to be aware of how his physical actions may hurt others.
My initial reaction was to spring into action and take decisive disciplinary actions. And that I did. As I took time to reflect, I will still take those decisive discipline actions because I know that it will save him in the long haul. But above all, I am reminded how much I need to cover Sammy and myself and the rest of my family in prayer - that my children, myself included are works of God in progress - from depravity to redemption.
Believe or not, I know I am going to look back at this phase in his 'particular' life [no pun intended] when he is all grown up and wish that it didn't end. As for now, Sammy and his life and his progress and his particular-ness will be my prayer - I pray that God would show Sammy much grace in his life.
I am again encourage by www.sheepdogger.blogspot.com and in his latest entry as he rummaged through some old photos, he writes, "Kim and I both shook our heads and smiled as we simultaneously realized that these memories came from a time in our history when we were hoping for better times, not realizing that these were the best of times".
It echoes what Daniel always said to me. Out hope for better times often causes us to miss out on the perfect gift of the present that God has graciously bestowed to us. And perhaps it is the definition of "the best of times" that needs to be relooked. Perhaps, the best of times are not only reserved for those period of peace or those times when one is free from difficulties. But rather, the best of times are when we are assured that in spite of all, God is gracious and has given us His best because God loves us and He cannot deny himself.
So for the record, here is a picture of a very unhappy Samuel in the morning who was woken up from his sleep and changed out of his pjs apart from his will. While I will be praying and looking forward to the breaking of his will and his particular-ness by God, I will cherish these times as the best of times. Because there will come a time, when all that is present will fade into a memory. I love you Sammy boy:)
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