One of the things I am learning all over again is how beautifully weaved the Bible is from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Reading the Bible or understanding any passage within the Bible is not just merely mastering the facts of that particular passage, or even understanding the social, political, cultural milieu surrounding that passage, or even being able to articulate the lessons learnt succinctly, or even being able to teach it. While all of that is good and necessary, to stop short at that really stops short of understanding who God really is and thus His plan for us. Each passage written and each event in history recorded, reveals gradually the fruition of God's overall plan and the realization & revelation of His own character to mankind. There really is thread running through the Bible - the thread of God's sovereignty, the thread of the integrity of God's holy character, the thread of God's faithful love and grace to His sinful creation and all of which climaxes to Christ's redemption for mankind on the cross and the Holy Spirit's working in man's heart.
The Story of Jonah's Disobedience is just not about Jonah;
But about the gracious and merciful God who sent Jonah
to bring the message of hope and redemption to the pagan Ninevites
The Story of Daniel in the Lion's Den is just not about Daniel;
But about the faithful God who chooses to protect His servants
as they remain single minded towards Him
The Story of Achan's sin is not just about Achan;
But about the holy God who cannot welcome sin
The Story of Paul is not just about Paul
But about the all knowing God who has chosen a disciple
To change the world for Him
The Story of Balaam's Donkey is not just about Balaam;
But about the faithful God who watches & protects His people
from potential harm and evil.
The Story of Joann's Cancer is not just about Joann
But about the God who chooses to do a work of miracle
As a testimony that He is the same yesterday, today and forever
Oh, that we should see the Big Picture;
It never about us, but always about God.
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