14th Oct - This marks the day of the first graduation night held in First Toa Payoh. I am glad and I thank God that it all worked out well. It was one of the most stressful periods in my teaching career - more stressful that Opening Ceremony. It wasn't the event alone, there was marking for examinations, traumatic incidents, form teacher duties, prizes, program, youth camp planning meetings....for the very first time, I felt overwhelmed, swamped and struggling to breath (literally). Some verses came to mind, 'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want' Psalm23:1 'Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God" Phil 4:6. The prayer and pleading comes easily, almost naturally. But the thanksgiving in these times are the most difficult, but perhaps the clearest way out of these situations. To be grateful and thankful to God for supplying all our needs - for giving us His word during these times, for the Holy Spirit to interceed on our behalf, for our family to support us and the family of God to cover us in prayers. How anxiety blinds our very light out of this darkness. I thank God for His sustaining hand and Daniel's understanding and patience.
These pictures now serve as precious memories for reasons I cannot make explicit:
This is the class com who rose to the occasion on the 'actual day'. A special mention to Carmen and other 2 girls she was with on Thursday. They were extremely good help.
Faithful Shah - who came back several days to help Mrs Tan with cutting of tickets, program booklets, emcee and all.
The Black and White theme turned out great with the matching balloons. As for the reserved sign, I am still figuring whether it is borned out of desperation or creativity. You tell me...
A picture with the final batch of USSS students from 5N1. Wonderful memories! See if you can spot, Sharon and Karen.
The boys from 5N1 and my teaching pals.
more pictures...
The 2 faithful girls in charge of prizes...unassuming, sweet and quiet.
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