This December is indeed very special and precious to me. Perhaps, one that I have not had for a long long time. [To be accurate, since I was in Sec 2]. I find myself in these past few weeks being constantly drawn into a state of reflection about myself and my life. The unprecedented amount of undisturbed time and space in a usually busy month has perhaps given me a much needed headstart in unravelling the tangles of my life in order to weave the balance as rightly demanded from my God for the new year to come. It is interesting how the books I read and words I hear and conversations I have, have directed me to have my priorities realigned, my devotions reclaimed, my weaknesses discerned, my disciplines pursued and my life cast in dependence upon my Lord. I am hopeful and dare I say, excited - at a new life in Christ and a new year in Christ.
In the meantime, it has also been fun, preparing my family to welcome the Christmas season. Mommy was busy perfecting her new found recipe of oatmeal cranberry cookies the past week. Sarah has just finished picking out Christmas presents for the whole family from Daiso and Mommy bought childproof Christmas decorations for the tree. Yes, Samuel was always around, pretty much hollering at the top of his voice wherever he goes. Now what remains, is for us to buy the Christmas tree and have family and friends gather around:)