God provides all we need for every circumstances [the sunshine and darkness] if we only allow Him to do so. His comfort may not necessarily mean that the trying moments would be eliminated but surely, He will see us through those days in the valley - we all but need to keep our eyes on God. This brings to memory Jacob's response to the news of Joseph's death. "But he [Jacob] refused to be comforted" Genesis 37:35. In our group discussion in camp, we pondered over Jacob's response. Why the refusal? I remembered there were times in my younger days whenI had refused comfort. Almost all of the time, it boils down to pride - where the receipt of comfort may indicate to others a sign of weakness or fraility. Relating this back to trials and tribulations, this is God's very purpose - the perfecting of our patience and faith. Jacob, dug his well of sorrow and allowed himself to sink deeper and excluded comfort from others which could have caused him to turn his eyes towards God.
Special note: I thank God for the prayers, wellwishes, visits and naughty food I received, in particular, the precious smses which contains God's word of comfort. It was a great blessing! I wish I had taken pictures of all wellwishers...
-Ade came to visit
- Uncle Amos & family came to visit
-Sis, Ade, ChiaoChyi, Irene, Dency with flowers and pastry
-Brave Jem who came alone with a bag of fruits
-Mom-in-law, Dad-in-law & tonics
- Uncle Amos, Auntie Maggie,
-Melvin & Viola [Dan's frens] & tonics
-ChiaoChyi, David, Irwin, Angelyn, PuiShung, Benji with coffee bean cakes
- Uncle Amos & family & oily roast duck and meat
-Tzegang, Darrell with oyster mee sua [without oyster]-Auntie Pat, Auntie Cheekit, Auntie Annie with wicked durians
-Auntie Joy, Uncle Kwai Sang & Lena & more durians
-Auntie Lai Moi with a whole bag of goodies
- Jacob, Grace & baby Elisha & fruits
SMSes of Comfort & Verses
- Isaiah 40:28-31 [Charissa]
- Ecs 3:11 [Chiao Chyi]
- Isaiah 41:10 [ Hannah]
- Psalm 91 [Hubby]
Sis, Darrell, Mom & Dad-in-law, Jeannette, Ally, Angelyn, Dr Chua, Auntie Pat, Joshua, Dency, Weifang, Wendy, Vanessa, Shirley, Logan,
Shaz, Grace Chng,
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ. Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation. 1 Corinthians 1:3-6